Strategic Research Circle

"Volunteering at SRC"

At SRC we believe that best way to mentor our youths is to get them involve at early stage. However, we welcome volunteers of any age. We are looking for volunteers in following cities:


Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Sacramento, Seattle, SF Bay Area, Washington DC


Most of the help is required during events preparations which can last from 2 – 3 months. Volunteers typically spend 2 – 5 hours a week


You can help:


  Making Calls

  Distribute Flyers

  Sell Tickets

  During Event

  Maintain Guest/ Member List

  Solicit event sponsorship


Click Here to fill-in Volunteer Form | One of our representatives will contact you


SRC is largely funded by foundations memberships and by individuals. Our target audiences are policymakers scholars journalists businesses and the civil society.

SRC is governed by a board consisting of entrepreneurs educators professionals and philanthropists. Our areas of studies include society economy governance and foreign policy